数字多用表 FLUKE 8520A

厂家: 美国福禄克
尺寸: 43×9×53 cm
重量: 5kg

5½位数字万用表 详细指标pdf文档

The 8520A Multimeter has burst memory plus math capabilities making it exceptionally intelligent. Designed for system and bench applications, the 8520A offers 5 1/2-digit resolution and offers built-in system interface circuits. A choice of DC, true rms AC volts, 2 and 4-wire ohms and conductance makes this unit versatile as well.

Features: 520 reading per second, 20 ppm basic DC accuracy, IEEE-488 system interface.

档位 10 ohms - 10 Mohms

咨询电话: 132- 4173- 5460 , 邮箱: 52634729@QQ.com