DTM-133 高斯计
DTM-133-PG |
数字高斯计, 14 Bit Resolution, GPIB 接口, Panel Mtg. |
原值 $1,960 |
The DTM-133 Digital Teslameter offers accurate, medium resolution measurement
of magnetic flux densities at an economic price.
- Resolution of 1 part in 12,000
- 4 ranges
- Maximum field 3 Tesla
- 6 digit display (5 digit, plus sign)
- optional RS232 or IEEE488/GPIB communications.
- Accuracy is ± (0.03% of reading + 0.03% of full scale) with LPT-130 or
MPT-132 probe.
- Temperature coefficient is 80 ppm / ° C when used with LPT-130, or 140
ppm / ° C when used with MPT-132 probe.
- Accuracy and temperature specifications include performance of probe.
- Because the probe characterisation information is stored in the probe
assembly itself, any Group3 probe can be used with any Group3 DTM.
- Two buttons on the front panel are used to select the operation of the
teslameter. The following modes can be selected for the display - magnetic
field, peak hold of magnetic field, AC component of field.
- Digital filtering (time averaging) can be enabled to suppress short term
- Several teslameters with the serial communications option (up to 31) can
be formed into a local communications loop, all of them talked to by the one
serial port on the control computer. The system can be operated in a trigger
mode, where the timing of the measurements by several teslameters can be
- Internal switches select serial data format, baud rate, device address,
string terminators, filtering, gauss or tesla units, data format, service
request action, EOI action, and reset system to defaults.
- An analog output is available. This is a buffered version of the raw probe
signal, and is not corrected for linearity or temperature. It offers an
instantaneous field value, (0 to 9kHz)
- All models are available without display or front buttons, for true
"Black Box" requirements.
- Panel mount versions are available, and panels with correct cut-outs and
mounting hardware.
- The operating temperature range of the probe and instrument is 0 to 50 °
探头型号 |
有效范围(mm) |
显示分辨率 |
最大扫描 |
监视分辨力 |
(25° C) |
(ppm /°C) |
(µT/°C) |
MPT-132 |
1 x 0.5 |
1 in 12,000 |
3T |
50µ T |
± 0.03% |
-140 |
± 40 |
DTM-133 配合 MPT-132 微型探头
MPT-132-2s |
Miniature Hall Probe, Standard
0.3T, 0.6T, 1.2T, & 3.0T |
原值 $1,520 |
咨询电话: 132- 4173- 5460 , 邮箱: 52634729@QQ.com