PCM信道分析仪 PCM-4 PCM Channel Measuring Set

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可选配套产品 W&G MU-30 通道选择器

厂家: Wandel & Goltermann
尺寸重量: 477*244*425mm 25kg

PCM-4作为自动测量系统  利用PCM-4时无需手动进行例行测量;当仪器用作系统控制器(SC)时,便直接对所需求的测量顺序进行程控。 -—通过简单地将多达40种设置链接在一起,对测量序列进行用户专有的编程。 -—可确定每种设置的信道测量项目,如每个信道的频响测量。 -—全自动测量系列,无需外部控制器。PCM-4对MU-30测试点扫描器进行控制,并在适合的打印机上记录测量结果。利用LabWindows 驱动程序很容易将PCM-5和MU-30组成LabWindows软件开发平台。LabWindows特适合于研究开发工作、生产测试和校准。简单按一下鼠标器,便足以用配备的仪器驱动程序设定PCM-4。一旦命令被复制,测量序列便组合到应用程序中。
不同测试情况的理想解决方案 对不同的应用,要求不同的测量方式。PCM-4可提供所有的方式;PCM-5是基本型仪表,可选的方式太少。

PCM-4在交换设备研制开发阶段的运用 《数字交换设备传输指标测试点滴》

The PCM-4 PCM Channel Measuring Set can handle practically all PCM multiplexer measurements, and also measurements on the constituent subassemblies of digital exchanges. Transmultiplexer measurements are also possible because investigations between digital

If nothing to hte contrary is stated,the values given below are vaiid for all operating conditions and device settings within the rated rated ranges of use for a.c.livevoltage,a.c.line frequency and ambient temperature
Analog generator
Generator output
BN984/01;984/51 balanced,floating,3-pin CF connector
BN984/02;984/52 balanced,fem.connector compatible with WECO310
BN984/05;984/55 balanced,fem.connectorcompatible with 1212 APS
Output impedance,switch-selectalbe 600,850,900Ω and complex
Permissible d.c.voltage to earth ≤60V
Send signals
Sinusoidal signals
Frequency range 20Hz to 72kHz
Group-delay measuring signal(PCM-4 only)
Similar to the measuring signal described in ITU-URec.O.81 and IEEE Standards
Measuring frequencies 292,500,604,1000,1792,2604,2792 and 3396Hz
Modulation frequency selectable 41.66 or 83.33Hz
4-tone signal Four equal level tones at 857,862,1373 and 1388Hz
Send levels
Display of power levels (dBm0),can be switched over to voltage levels(dB0)
Relative level
Level entry in steps of 0.001dB from -19.9 to +9.9dBr
Displayed on screen in steps of 0.1dB
Levels relative to 1mW at a point of 0 rel.level
Level entry in steps of 0.01dB
Level range in the preferred range
for relative level -17 to +3dBr,at 600Ω
for noise(.50 to 550Hz),at least -60.0 to +2.0 dBm
for sine signals(f≧200Hz),at least -60.0 to +10.0 dBm
for all other signals,at least -30.0 to +2.0 dBm
Analog receiver
Receiver input see"analog generator output"
Additional input impedance ≧30kΩ
Two-wire input and output
The tow-wire connector can be terminated with a complex impedancefor transhybrid loss measurements
Receive levels
Calibratin. see "analog generator"
Relative levels, see"analog generator"
Levels relative to 1mW at a pontof 0 rel.level
Level range in the preferred range of the relative level-9.9to +9.9dBr and at 600Ω
signal level measurements,at least -60.0 to +10.0 dBm
noise and crosstalk measurements,at lease -80.0 to 0 dBm
Receive filters
Wideband filters passband range Narrow-band filters passband at :
200Hz to 4kHz
20Hz to 4kHz
330Hz to 3100Hz
20Hz to 72kHz
4.6kHz to 128kHz(PCM-4only)
350bis 550Hz
Filters for weighted nose measurements
Psophometer filter(ITU-T Rec.P.53/O.41)
C-message weighting filter to North American standsrds 3kHz flat filter to North Amarican standards
Psophometer filter with 2kHz notch-filter
C-message weighting filter with 2kHz notch-filtr
Bandpass 300 to 3350Hz,with 2kHz notch-filter
Digital signal generator
PCM frame structure
BN 984/01 and BN 984/51
32 channel PCM frames containing:
30 telephone channels to ITU-T Rec.G.704 Para.3.3
or 31 telephone channels time slots 1 to 31
or 32 telephone channels all time slots
BN984/02,BN 984/52,BN 984/05 and BN 984/55
Selectable between T1"norm"12FRM/MFRM to ITU-T G.704
Para.3.1and T1"extd."24 FRM/MFRM to ITU-T G.704 Para.3.1
Telephone channels per frame 24
Channel sequences D3/D4,D2 or D1D
μ-law CCIS or CAS(75/6)
A-law CCIS
Generator outputs
BN 984/01 and BN 984/51
Interface characteristics comply with ITU-TRec.G703
Line codes NRZ,AMIand HDB3
Coaxial output Versacon9 Universal Connector
System,adaptable to all common connectors
Output impedance 75Ω
Balanced output 3ploe,CF connector
Output impedance 120Ω
BN984/02,BN 984/52,BN 984/05 and BN 984/55
Interface characteristics comply withITU-T Rec.G703 and North American standards
Line codes AMI and B8ZS
Output pulse characteristic to AT&T
Technical Advisory No.34
W-bit insertion ON or OFF
Balanced output fem.connectro compatible with WECO310(BN 984/02 and984/52)1214APS(BN 984/05and 984/555)
Output impedance 100Ω
Operation and clock supply
Loop-through operation
A test pattern is injected into onetime slot of a PCM frame which has been looped through the PCM-4
BN984/01 and BN 984/51
Generator operation
from internal clock 2048kHz±25*10-6
or external clock 2048kHz±100*10-6
or external 8 kHz sync-signal 8kHz ±100*10-6 or clock derived from receiver signal
Digital loops
2Mbit/s loop: all time slots are switched through
2Mbit/s loop: selected time slots can be switched through (independent selection of the receive and send channel is possible)
64 kbit/s loop: at relevant interfaces(Option)
BN984/02,BN 984/52,BN 984/05 and BN 984/55
Generator operation
from internal operation 1544±25*10-6
orexternal clock 1544±100*10-6
orexternal 8kHz sync.signal 8kHz±100*10-6 or clock derived from receiver signal
Digital loops
1.5Mbit/s loop: all timeslots are switched through
1.5Mbit/s loop: selected time slots can be swithced through (inedependent selection of the receive and send channel is possible)
64kbit/sloop: at relevant interfaces(Option)
Digital words for telephone channels
BN 984/01 and BN 984/51
Injection of a digital signal in one of the telphone channels 1 to 30(or 31,32)or in all telephone channels,or in all telphone channels except the selected channel.
Encodinglaw,selectable A-law ro μ-law
BN984/02,BN 984/52,BN 984/05 and BN 984/55
Injection of a digital signal in one of the telephone channels 1 to 24,or in all telephone channels,or in all telephone channels except the selected channel.
Encoding law,selectable A-law or μ-law
Send signals
Sine signals
Frequency range 20Hzto 3.99kHz
Send level rage(in stepsof 0.1dB) -60.0 to +7.5 dBm
Noise signals
Pseudorandom noise signal
350Hzto 550Hz complies with 300 to 3400Hz
Send level range(0.1dB steps) -65.0 to 0.0 dBm
Wideband noise signal for telephone channels
Noise band 300 to 3400Hz
Send level range -65.0 to 0.0 dBm
Conventional telephone signal complies with ITU-T Rec.G.227
Send level range -30.0 to 0.0 dBm
Echo return loss and singing return loss signals to North American standards
Noiseband of ERL-signal 560 to 1965Hz
Noiseband of SRL-signal 260 to 500Hz
Noiseband of SRLH-signal 2200 to 3400Hz
Send level range -30.0 to 0.0 dBm
Group delay measuring signal
See: "Analog generator signals"
Send level range -30.0 to 0.0 dBm
4-tone signal
See: "Analog generator signals"
Send level range -30.0 to 0.0 dBm
Idle channel signals
Anyfixed word can be selected.It is also possible to select words which vary randomlyor periodically between two neighbouing values
Bit patterns
The following are available for bit error measurements:
Pseudorandom sequence complying
with ITU-TRec.V.52 29-1 bits long
Pseudorandom sequence complying
with ITU-T Rec.0.152 211-1 bits long
User-programmable 8 bit word
External analog signal(via VAR.MODE)
An external analog signal can be input via an internal PCM coder and injicted in one telephone channel oroutput via 64kbit/s interface
Test facilities and error insertion
BN 984/01 and BN 984/81
AIS transmission (continuous sequence of "1"s)
Frame alignment bit error ratio 10-3 or 10-4
Frame alignment word errors 2 or 3 in 4
Multiframe alignment errors of 1 or 2 in 2
CRC-4 error ate settable in steps of 0.1%
inthe range 0.1 to 99.9% based on 1s(1000 CRC-4 words)
BN984/02,984/52,984/005 and BN 984/55
ALL ONES transmission
Bit 2 alarm transmission
Bit 2 is set to "0" in each channel
S-bit alarm (T1"norm") transmission
S-bit in frame 12 is set to "1" m bit alarm (T1"extd") transmission
Eight"0"-bit salternating with eight"1"-bits
FAS errors 1in 6 bits or 2 in 4 bits
S-bit/MFAS errors 1 or 2 in 6bits
CRC-6 error rate settalbe in steps of 0.3%
inthe range 0.3 to 99.7% based on 999 ms(333 multiframes)
Signalling facilities
BN 984/01 and BN 984/51
Static signalling bits
Transmission of signalling bits a b c d in time slot 16 for selected and unoccupied telphone channels
Signalling byt value settable via menu
Dynamic signalling bits
Signalling bit value for selected telephone channel set externally via aus.parallel input
BN984/02,BN 9848/52,BN 984/05 and BN 984/55
Static signalling bits
Transmission of signalling bits A, B/A,B,D,D for selected and unoccupied telephone channels
Singanlling bit value settable via menu
Dynamic signalling bits
Signaling bit value for selected telephon channel set exgernally via aux.parallel input for CAS(75/6)only,orS/m bit value set externally via contradirectional 4 kbit/s input
Digital signal receiver
PCM frame struture see "digital signal generator"
Receiver inputs
BN 984/01 and BN 984/51
Interface characteristis comply with ITU-TRec.G.703
Line code NRZ,AMIand HDB3
Coaxial input 75Ω or>3kΩ
Balanced input 12Ωor >3kΩ
Input signal monitoring via LEDs: NO SIGNAL,AIS ,NO FRAME,NO MULTIRRAME
BN984/02,BN 984/52,BN 984/05 and BN 984/55
Interface characteristics comply with ITU-T Rec.G.703 and North American standards.
Linecodes AMI and B8ZS
Balancedinput fem.connector compatible with WECO 310(BN 984/02,984/52);1214APS(BN684/05,984/55)
Input impedance 100Ωor >3kΩ
Input signal monitoring via LEDs: NO SIGNAL,ALL ONES,NO SYNC,REMOTE ALARM
Evalution of digital word in telephone channels
BN 984/01 and BN 984/51
Selectinga telphone channel
A code word from one telephone channel 1 to 30(or 31,32)canbe evaluated.
Code word measurements
Encoding law,selectable A-law or μ-law
Receive level range,at least -80 to +6 dBm
BN984/02,BN 84/52,BN 984/05 and BN 984/55
Selecting a telephone channel
Acode word from one telephone channel 1 to 24 can be evaluated
Code word measurements
Encoding law, selectable A-law or μ-law
Receive level range ,at least -80 to +6 dBm
Receive filters see"Analog receive "
Bit error measurements
on telephone channels(64 kbit/s).Shown as a histogram with the X axis representing measuring perides or channels.
Bit pattern: see"digital signal generagor send signals"
Error conutson FAS/MFAS and CRC-signals
Signalling distortion measurements(option;PCM-4 only)
Measure the duty cycle deviation of a rectangular signal
Frequency setting 10Hz or 20Hz
Duty cycle settable in step
Analog output(back panel)
Output impedance,mark <30Ω
space >20kΩ
Max.switching voltage 200mA
Max.switching voltage 70V
Signalling receiver Measuring range ±10ms
Resolution 0.1ms
Analog input(back panel)Input impedance (connected internally to -15V) 750Ω
Shor-circuit current 10mA
Evaluation and monitoring of words and bits
BN 984/01 and BN 984/51
Monitor ing via8 LEDs(bits 1 to 8)
Codewords of selected channel,FAS,NOT RAS,MFAS NOT MFAS Signalling bits a b c d (TX and RX)
Evalution on screen (MODEB91)
Codewords of selected channel,FAS,NOT FAS,MFAS,NOT MFAS,Signalling bits a b c d(RX)
BN984/02,BN 984/52,BN 984/05 and BN 984/55
Monitoring via 8 LEDs(bits 1 to 8)
Codewords of selected channel,FAS or MFAS,S bits,
Signalling bits ,B/A,B,C,D
Auxiliary outputs (back panel)
Activation signal for crosstalk measurements
Analog decoder output for decoded signal of selected telephone channel
Signalling output
Error and alarm outputs
Video signal output


PCM Channel Measuring Set PCM-4
2048 kbit/s version,menu in English BN 984/01
1544k bit/s version,menu in English,WECO connectors BN 984/02

2048 kbit/s version,menu in German

BN 984/03
1544 kbit/s version,menu in English,1214 APS connectors BN 984/05
2048 kbit/s version,menu in Spanish BN 984/06
PCM Channel Measuring Set PCM-5
2048 kbit/s version,menuin English BN 984/51
1544 kbit/s version,menu in English,WECO connectors BN 984/52
2048 kbit/s version,menu in German BN 984/53
1544 kbit/s version,menu in English,1214 APS connectors BN 984/55
Options Interfaces:
Codirectional 64 kbit/s input BN 984/00.01
Codirectional 64 kbit/s output
Electrical characteristics to ITU-T G.703
BN 984/00.02
Contradirectional 64kbit/s input BN 984/00.03
Contradirektionaler64 kbit/s output
Electrical characteristics to ITU-T G.703
BN 984/00.04
Serial 64 kbit/s TTLinput BN 984/00.05
Serial 64 kbit/sTTL output
Co-or contra directional,depending on mode
BN 984/00.06
Parallel 64 kbit/s TTLinput BN 984/00.07
Parallel 64kbit/s TTL output
Parallel 8 bit input/output with 8kHz clock signal
BN 984/00.08
64 kbit/s V.11 interface
for measurement of signalling distortion and interference from signalling
BN 984/00.09
IEEE 488/IEC 625 Interface
with IEEE488 connector and K420 connecting calbe
BN 984/00.09
Analog signalling interface for measurement of signalling distortion and interference from signlling BN 984/00.19
IEEE488/IEC 625 Interface with IEEE 488 connector and K 420 connecting calbe BN 958/24
Reurn Loss and Longitudinal Conversion
Transfer Loss Bridge
600Ω/900Ω/CPLX (PCM-4 only) BN 984/00.10
600Ω/900Ω/CPLX (PCM-4 only) BN 984/00.11
Impedance modification (replaces 850Ω or 900Ω and CPLX) BN 984/00.32
Bridge impedance addition:
Up to 4 additional customer specific CPLX impedances canbe added to the bridge;selection lnly via IEC/IEEE interface
BN 984/00.16
120kHz low pass filter (for out-of-band noise suppressin) BN 984/00.14
Software retrofitted to the latest status for  
PCM-4BN 984/01 BN 984/00.41
PCM-4BN 984/02 and BN 984/05 BN 984/00.42
PCM-4BN 984/03 BN 984/00.43
Specify actual software version and serial no.when ordering
User specified modifications
A detailed specification sheet is available for enteringthe values required
Analog generator/receiverimpedance modifications
(replacces 850Ω/900Ω and CPLX)
BN 984/00.31
Analong generator output impedance modified to Zou≈0Ω
in place of complex impedance
BN 984/00.34
Impedance modification (replaces 850Ω or 900Ω and CPLX) BN 984/00.32
1wire terminaltion modification(replaces 910Ω||39nF)
(selected with PARAM 914,D-Dmode)
BN 984/00.33
Tolerance masks programmed to user specifications BN 984/00.35
Instruments are equipped with ITU-T tolerance masks as standard
Forms for entering toperance mask changes are included in Appendix D of the operating manual
LabWindow®Driver (for PCM-4/5 and MU-30)
for integrationin automatic test systems for development,production and service/calibration
BN 984/95.99
TestPoint Scanner MU-30 (with Interface Card)
Balanced through 0 switching of 10,24 or 30 VF channel in TX and RX directions
BN 823/11
WG PenBERT mini PCM monitor(E1)
(see WG PenBERT data sheet for details)
BN 4555/11
D.C.Loop Holding Circuit GH-1 (with capacitor-coupled output) BN 984/00.12
1.5m connecting calbe: CF(male) to 1214 APS(male) K348
1.0m connecting cable: CF(male) to 1214 APS (male) K438
D.C.Decouplingfor analog inputs and outputs,PCMZ-4 for use with BN 984/01,BN 984/51,BN 984/03and BN 984/53 only.
(Not required if (GH-1 is used)
BN 984/00.13
IEEE488 Adapter(m-m) for Interface card S832
Front and Back Panel Covers SD-5(1 set) BN 700/00.25
19" conversion kty BN 700/00.05

咨询电话: 132- 4173- 5460 , 邮箱: 52634729@QQ.com