泰克TEK7854 模拟400MHz多通道示波器

尺寸: 34×30×57cm
重量: 15kg



TEK7854 特点

Cursors are provided for the stored waveforms to delimit or identify portions of the waveform to be measured. These cursors are generated by the processor and can be manually positioned by executing the appropriate commands from the keyboard(s), automatically positioned througn execution of a stored program, or remotely positioned from the GPIB controller. Some of the dedrcated functions (e.g., WIDTH, RISE, ITRP, etc.) are cursor-dependent. The cursor coordinates (or relative coordinates) are provided on the display in the STORED or BOTH modes.

Specific characteristics of the STORED display can be selected with the keyboards or over the GPIB. The Waveform Calculator provides display control to vertically or horizontally expand the stored waveform; display any stored waveform versus another in X-Y mode, or versus time in Y-T mode; display the stored waveform as individual points, or with vectors drawn between points. Also, functions are provided to manipulate the entire stored waveform. For example, any stored waveform can be either vertically or horizontally positioned without affecting the absolute voltave values; or any stored waveform can be differentiated, integrated, or smoothed and the resulting waveform displayed.

Programming, consisting of a terms of commands stored for later execution, is available to simplify measurements which must be repeated. Editing and execution is controlled either from the Waveform Calculator or the GPIB.

咨询电话: 132- 4173- 5460 , 邮箱: 52634729@QQ.com