模拟示波器 GOS-6103


尺寸: 31×15×46cm
重量: 9kg


    The GOS-6103 is a 100MHz, two-channel, dual-sweep, portable oscilloscope for general purpose use. A microprocessor-based operating system controls most of the functions of the instrument, including cursor readout and digitized panel setting. On-screen alphanumeric readout and cursor function for voltage, time, frequency and phase measurement provide extraordinary operational convenience. It also has the function of auto measurement for frequency, period, pulse width and duty cycle. Ten different user defined instrument settings can be saved and recalled without restriction. 
    The vertical deflection system has two input channels. Each channel has 11 basic deflection factors from 2mV to 5V per division. The horizontal deflection system provides single, dual or delayed sweeps from 0.5s to 50ns per division (delayed sweep, 50ms to 50ns per division). The trigger system provides stable triggering over the full bandwidth of the vertical deflection system. 

Additionally, the oscilloscope offers several other features:

1) High intensity and internal graticule CRT
The oscilloscope employs a high intensity 6-inch retangular type cathode-ray tube with red internal graticule. It displays clear readable traces even at high sweep speeds. Internal graticule lines eliminate parallax-viewing error between the trace and the graticule line. 

2) Temperature compensation
The oscilloscope uses a temperature compensation circuit to reduce the drift of base line and DC balance.

3) 20MHz bandwidth limit
When it is hard to observe or trigger a signal because a high-frequency component is superimposed on the signal, use the 20MHz BWL function to reduce the bandwidth of the vertical deflection system and trigger system to 20MHz.

4) Automatic time base range setting
At a press of the AUTORANGE button, an optimum time base range is automatically set to a corresponding change in input signal period. A signal  period from 1.6 to 4 cycles approx. is displayed.

5) TV triggering Exclusive
TV sync separator circuit technology provides stable TV signal measurements on fields, frames and lines.

6) Z-axis intensity modulation
For applying a blanking signal from an external source. The trace displayed on the screen may be intensity-modulated where pulse signal or time-scale marks are required.

7) Trigger signal output
The signal selected by the TRIGGER SOURCE is available. This output may be used to connect to a frequency counter or other instrument.

8) Panel setups lock
To avoid unintentional touch of the setting, the feature is extremely useful for long term and repetitive measurements that used to be performed under the same test condition of the oscilloscope setting.

9) LED indicator and buzzer alarm
The LED’s located in the front panel assist operation and indicated additional information. Incorrect operation and the electrical end position of control knobs are indicated by a warning beep.

10)SMD manufacturing technology
The instrument is built by using the most advanced SMD technology so as to reduce the number of internal wiring and shorten the foil route on the pc board. This will also greatly increase the high frequency performance and the reliability of the product.

11)Auto Measurement
A built-in 6 digits universal counter is accurate within the range of ±0.01% and can measure frequency between 50Hz and 100MHz.

CRT 类型 6 英寸内附刻度线之方形显示幕 ;
标线位置 0%,10%,90%,100%;8x10格 (1格=1公分)
加速器电压 约 16 kV (GOS-6103/GOS-6103C), 约 12kV (GOS-6112)
Z 轴输入 耦合 DC
感度 5V 或以上
最大输入电压 30V(直流加交流峰值) 在 1kHz 或以下
频宽 DC ~ 5MHz
垂直系统 感度 2mV ~ 5V/DIV, 共 11 档 (以 1-2-5 顺序)
感度准确度 < 3% (显示在中间 5格的位置)
连续可调垂直感度 连续可调至 1/2.5 或小於面板设定值
频宽 (-3dB) DC ~ 100MHz(2mV/DIV : DC ~ 20MHz)
上升时间 3.5nS (2mV/DIV : 17.5 nS)
讯号延迟 可观察前缘
最大输入电压 400V (直流加交流峰值) 在 1kHz 或以下
输入耦合 AC, DC, GND
输入阻抗 1MΩ+2% // 约 25pF
频宽限制 20MHz
共模拒斥比 (CMRR) 50kHz 时为 50:1 或更好
动态范围 在 60MHz 时为 8 格;在 100MHz 时为 6 格 (GOS-6112)
在 100MHz 时为 8 格 (GOS-6103/GOS-6103C)
水平系统 水平模式 MAIN(A), ALT, DELAY(B)
A (主要的) 扫描时间 50nS ~ 0.5S/DIV, 连续可调 (UNCAL)
B (延迟) 扫描时间 50nS ~ 50mS/DIV
准确度 + 3% (在 x 10 MAG 为 + 5%)
扫描放大 x 10 (最大扫描时间 5nS/DIV)
Hold Off时间 可变动
延迟时间 1μS ~ 5S
延迟抖动 1:20000 或更小
交替分离 可变动
触发 触发模式 AUTO, NORM, TV
触发源 CH1, CH2, LINE, EXT
触发耦合 AC.DC, HFR, LFR
触发斜率 "+" 或 "-" 极性或 TV 同步极性
触发感度 模式 频率 内部 外部
AUTO 10Hz~20MHz 0.35DIV 50 mV
20MHz~100MHz 1.5 DIV 150 mV
NORM DC~20MHz 0.35DIV 50 mV
20MHz~100MHz 1.5 DIV 150 mV
TV sync signal 1 DIV 200 mVpp
TV 讯号同步 TV-V, TV-H
最大外部输入电压 400V (直流加交流峰值) 在 1kHz
外部输入阻抗 1MΩ + 5%, // 约 25pF
X-Y 操作 模式 X 轴可选择 CH1, CH2, EXT
Y 轴可选择 CH1, CH2, CH1 and CH2
感度准确度 2mV ~ 5V/DIV+3%; 外部 : 0.1V/DIV+ 5%
X 轴频宽 DC ~ 500kHz (-3dB)
相位差 3o or less from DC ~ 50kHz
输出讯号 触发讯号输出 电压 : 约 25mV/DIV into 50 Ω
频率响应 : DC ~ 10MHz
校正端子输出 1kHz 方波, 2Vpp+2%
游标读值功能 量测功能 ΔV,ΔV%,ΔVdB,ΔT,1/ΔT,ΔT%,Δθ
解析度 1/100 DIV
有效游标范围 Vertical: + 3DIV ; Horizontal: + 4DIV
面板设定显示 垂直 : V/DIV(CH1,CH2), UNCAL, ALT/CHOP/ADD, INV,
probe factor
水平 : S/DIV(MTB,DTB), UNCAL, x 10MAG, delay time,
触发 : source, coupling, slope, level, TV-V, TV-H
其他 : X-Y, lock, save/recall MEM 0-9(GOS-6103/GOS-6103C)


量测功能 FREQ, PERIOD, +WIDTH, +DUTY ( + 或 - 极性以触发斜率选择)
显示位数 最大 6 位数小数
频率范围 50Hz ~ 100MHz
准确度 1kHz ~ 100MHz : +0.01%;50Hz ~ 1kHz : +0.05%
量测感度 >2 格 (量测电源取自 CH1 及 CH2 的同步讯号源)
特殊功能 TIME/DIV Auto Range Provided (GOS-6103/GOS-6103C)
面板设定储存及呼叫 10 组 (GOS-6103/GOS-6103C)
面板设定值锁定 Provided

咨询电话: 132- 4173- 5460 , 邮箱: 52634729@QQ.com